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Power Support Group – 1 Year Anniversary

Power Support Group 1-Year Anniversary

Allied Power Group is excited to announce our 1 year anniversary of our acquisition of Power Support Group.  We would like to thank all of our customers who have made these last 12 months a success.  Over the past year, APG has performed over 19 outages for 10 customers providing the following services:

  • Rotor inspections and repairs
  • New buckets and blades
  • Valve rebuilds
  • Technical Support
  • On-site machining
  • Shop diaphragm repairs
  • Packing and seal replacements
  • Bearing repairs
  • Internal Alignment

We continue to add more capability and capacity as we continue to expand our steam turbine services.  If you have any questions, please reach out to your local APG representative or send a request to  We are excited for you to become one of our Power Partners.

Filed Under: News
